How to permanently get rid of plantars warts
This sounds too easy but I guarantee you it works! This is a quick failproof way to permanently get rid of Plantars warts.I have done this on someone that had 10 on one foot,all gone in 2 weeks.
Things You'll Need:
4 aspirin
white vinegar
cotton balls
Mix 1/4 cup of white vinegar and four crushed aspirins.
Soak a cottonball that has been shaped to the approximate size of the wart. Place on the wart and tape it,trying not to expose too much of the surrounding skin.
Leave on overnight. The skin the next day will be whitish and soft. Do this everyday until you can see the roundish shape of the wart exposed,usually three.Stop at this point and see if the wart dies. If not give it a couple of more treatments and see if it dies.I havent tried this on childrens more sensitive skin but would probably only leave it on for an hour a day.This treatment does not burn or hurt at all.
Tips & Warnings
Save the money you would have spent at the doctors and take a nice vacation!!!!!!!
Use your own judgement on sensitive skin. I've only used this treatment on plantars warts that are under calloused skin. It works 100% of the time and they havent come back.
This sounds too easy but I guarantee you it works! This is a quick failproof way to permanently get rid of Plantars warts.I have done this on someone that had 10 on one foot,all gone in 2 weeks.
Things You'll Need:
4 aspirin
white vinegar
cotton balls
Mix 1/4 cup of white vinegar and four crushed aspirins.
Soak a cottonball that has been shaped to the approximate size of the wart. Place on the wart and tape it,trying not to expose too much of the surrounding skin.
Leave on overnight. The skin the next day will be whitish and soft. Do this everyday until you can see the roundish shape of the wart exposed,usually three.Stop at this point and see if the wart dies. If not give it a couple of more treatments and see if it dies.I havent tried this on childrens more sensitive skin but would probably only leave it on for an hour a day.This treatment does not burn or hurt at all.
Tips & Warnings
Save the money you would have spent at the doctors and take a nice vacation!!!!!!!
Use your own judgement on sensitive skin. I've only used this treatment on plantars warts that are under calloused skin. It works 100% of the time and they havent come back.